Friday, March 28, 2008

Just Some Wishfull Thinking.....

yes i am aware i stole Kaila's post title but oh well she'll forgive me.

Kayy's Wishes
1. that people will quit stealing my things (my covenant dvd, my TAPS shirt, my buckcherry shirt...)
2. Things werent confusing
3. You knew about the rumors going on about you
4. High school drama didnt suck
5. I could pronuonce this Verdammen Sie es zu Hölle
6. I had money
7. I had a rich mommy and didnt have to joke about them at the mall
8. Edward was real.
9. People dont talk shit
10. if ur gonna get into a fight get into the fight
11. No violence and peace would be nice
12. the government to realize that theres no more war. it died out. Bring our boys home!
13. the statement "hugs not drugs" could be said now and have power
14. Emoness moods didnt exist
15. The Beatles made sense

1 comment:

Kaila. said...

i love it.
and yes, that's quite a lot of wishes on mine also.
And yeah, I know. But still. I want them finished by next weekend.
I don't like to have these breakable and scratchable things just lying around on my desk.
They could become schizoprhenic and kill themselves like lost, lonely Emo kids.