Monday, March 10, 2008


Lies...all i know is lies....
~theAmend, something i will never do again

so everything sucks.
i mean everything,
like nothing is ever gonna go right, ever. like okay so the odessey people are smokin dope, i know it, and thats not right. thats not right on twenty different levels. Lets see, life sucks and thats not supposed to happen so thats not right. oh and true love isnt right. its a thing of ficiton, something of fantasy, something that will never happen. True love happening is like Edward CUllen coming and rescuing me from this hell of a life. but we all know thats not going to happen: lets face it Edward doesnt exist. He never did never will. I mean i'm a twilight fan more than the next kid but its not true. nothing is, the vampires, the true love. nothing.
nothing is real.
It might have taken me 14 years to figure this out, but i finally get it. when ur little they tell u all these called love and happiness but its not true. None of it, and when the adults read you the story of the princess being woken up by her "true love's first kiss" you can see it in their eyes, its a lie. and then we cling on to these false hopes when we're older, still belieiving in all this only to have an ephiany and realize how it was all lies. Yea I know this is all real emo stuff but think about it, its all true. i mean, everything in life is nothing but a big joke, busy work, something to do before we die. WE mean nothing, life means nothing. if there is a god then he create dus as playthings, things he can look at and go "oh thats funny" its like we're just cable, really really good cable. we're like DishTV or whatever. WE're Comcastic. WE're nothing. WE mean nothing really and life is hell. Pretty much.
okay well im back into my emoness mood, and im ending my rant now before i sound like a serial killer.

1 comment:

Kaila. said...

was depressing as hell.
I'm going to throw chocolate chip cookies at the screen until it becomes happy
*throws cc cookie at screen*
screen: YAY!!!!
me: whew. good. it worked.