Thursday, March 27, 2008

Uhm.....*Caution is advised*

So i have officially decided that Plato is fuckin retarded i mean Verdammen Sie es zu Hölle people! I am not five and i know how to use a motherfucking table of contents and i know how to fucking alphabatize. im not fucking three you window licker! okay! and seriously, if i cant read then why the fuck would i be doing this you little motherfucking asshole! God!

*calms down*

okay. sorry for that. okay so today was exciting. it started out when i realized im not going to be able to wear my cult uniform for the second time in a row because we keep forgetting to pick it up! and we just got out of sprin break so i know Sargents gonna bitch me out for that one. ugh and then i get to shool (still half asleep) and hang out with Sarah for a bit, she waits on Bryan, then i went to clean out my locker which i havent used in god knows how long. and then i went downstairs and BRandon flirted with me. i went outside, and helped Nichole sell some brownies and muffins she made. Then BRandon flirted with me again. and he wouldnt buy a muffin. You know i kind of wish James was here so i couldl tell him he had a fight right there he coulda taken. i wouldnt mind any. thats mean. oh well. back to the muffins. the muffins were ubercoolawesome and i bought a muffin afn they were yummy and Helen got one. Then we got really hyper and i talked uberfast and we went inside to bug Cauis, who looked very Luke Dane-ish. (haha Danish like Danish the pastry ha ha) cuz he had a red flannel shirt. no backwards baseball cap though. then i was informed of literary terms i was supposed to do but helen being hte ubernicehardfreakingcore friend she is forgot to tell me so i rushed to finish them but Cauis said i could do them tonight (THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!) and then we went on talking about the assignments and everything then somehow eall the guys were being nerdy with Cauis (OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!) and talking about Star Wars and im like oh wow. Oh yeah and Speed and Nic quoted full scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail aka the ultimate Stoner Movie!well lets see...... i cant think of anything else. other than nope nothing. oh i read Fangs blog and this chicks asking the most random, off the wall, bizarre questions ever and let me tell you i had to go back to the plato and get broed out of my mid every five seconds to keep from busting up laughing. it was funny though.and lets see what else.........
oh i read Helens really depressing emo Edward story and it was really good, even though it said "Washington/California border" i informed her a whole other state was there too (oregon) and i start to wonder if she really is Rosalie on the inside, you know blonde and a bit dumb on the inside. i mean this is the chick who were were talking about Mercedes and she says "what about a Benz?" lol im kidding Helen! u know i love you! haha ugh i have a done enough pointless assignments on gayto yet?! this is boring i mean Verdammen Sie es zu Hölle can we not be treated like second graders just once! ugh! oh yeah th little middle schoolers are coming to tour the school. reminds me of when me and BEth cam elast year. the reject wore high heels wile we walked around being the loud boy crazy freaks we are, pointing out over 300 "hot" guys. theres not even a hundred now and i know 200+ guys didnt all graduate! haha oh speaking of Beth, I talked with her for a brief second, well more like she used me so she could text TIm no doubt, and after Helen was all like "why do u even talk to her ugh" being all kind of snob-bitch. sorry helen but u were. and if she ever reads this i can hear it now. ugh its like coral-ish (coral from RW/RR Gauntlet) "y would u try to say that on ur blog and ont just tell me in person" because i didnt think about it, im trying not to fight with my best friend thanks.
if u havent noticed i have tons of best friends. haha SO this is uber long so im gonna quit for now.
peace and love
Kayy ♥

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